• Losses coming on the Japanese economy deficit by $ 7.6 billion in the month



    The value of imports of liquefied natural gas increased 12.2%
    Losses coming on the Japanese economy .. deficit by $ 7.6 billion in the month


    Japanposted a tradedeficit of891.9 billionyen ($ 7.6billion)inNovember(last November)tocontinuethisbusiness lossinthe third-largestglobal economyforthe 29thmonthin a row.According to the "German", theMinistry of Finance saidin a preliminary reportthatthe total value ofimportsfell by1.7 per centto 7.8trillion yen, however, the value ofimports ofliquefied natural gasincreased by12.2per cent.Japanreliesmore heavily onimported fossil fuelsfor power generationsincethe worstnuclear disasterin the countryat theFukushimaDaiichinuclear plantafter theearthquake and tsunamiin 2011.
    Exports roseby 4.9per cent to6.19 trillionyen,an increasefor the third consecutivemonthwith highershipments ofsemiconductor equipmentto 14.7per cent.
    Imports fromChina Jumped,the largest tradingpartner of Japan, rose3.9 percentto 1.75trillion yen,while exportsrose tothe second largesteconomy in the worldby 0.9per cent to reachthe trade deficitin the countryto597 billionyen, thedeficitseen in the countryfor themonthof33respectively.
    It wasJapan's economy hassuddenlyslippedintorecessionduring the second quarterof the current fiscalyear to30September(last September)toenterthe economyrecessionfor the third timein four yearswith the localconsumer spendingcontractionas a result ofraising thesales taxfrom 5 to8 per centwith effect fromAprilfirst(last April).On the other hand,"Tankan"report showed aquarterlypublished bythe Bank of Japanfellconfidenceof Japanese companiesin thestate of the economyslightlywitheconomicrecessionin the second quarterofthe current fiscal yearentry,whereeconomic confidenceindexfell byone point to+12point.
    Indicatepositivereadingfor the indextothe high number ofoptimisticcompaniesfora numberof pessimisticcompaniesin the surveyconducted by theBank,at the same timethe expectations ofmajor industrialcompaniesindex fellfor the nextquarter of the yearto-9,whilethe confidence ofthe majornon-industrialcompaniesindex rosefrom+13to+16.
    However, the reportshowedthat the majorindustrialcompaniesandnon-industrialplans to injectinvestmentsby 8.9per cent during thecurrent fiscal year, which ends onMarch 31(March)compared to8.6per cent in theprevious survey.
    Anddecreasedconfidenceamongindustrial companiesofmedium-sized+5to+7whilethe index rosefor the averagenon-manufacturing businessesfrom -1 to+1.
    The government of PrimeMinister Shinzo Abeis consideringthe development ofa supplementary budgetfor the current fiscalyear$ 3trillion yen,almostthe aim of promotingeconomic growth,andTankanreportshowedalsothat the averageJapanese yen's exchange rate againstthe dollarfell to103.36yenper dollarduring the current fiscalyear, compared to100.73yenper dollar, accordingestimates ofSeptember(last September), andthe yenhas lostabout 40 percent of its valuesince the arrival ofAbeto powernearly two years ago.
    While thevalue of the yenfell toenhance the competitiveness ofJapanese productsin overseas marketsandincrease the value ofJapanese investmentprofitsoverseasleads, it alsoleads to higherimport costswhich reducesdomesticconsumer spendingandhurtsmallcompanies inJapan.
    It is noteworthy thatthe quarterlyTankan surveyincluded10312companyconductedduring the period fromNovember 12(last November)toDecember 12(December)and the currentresponseamounted to99.5 percent of thecompaniessurveyedrate.

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